Welcome to Calvary Baptist Church, West Mifflin, PA
We worship in spirit and truth!
Church located in West Mifflin - map us at 120 Anborn Drive, West Mifflin, PA 15122
Come and hear the truth this Sunday!
God's Biblical Truth - Prayer - Live Worship Praise Team with Instruments - Plenty of Parking Around the Church Building
We are open and have a seat for you! GOD loves you and is calling regardless of how you're dressed or where you came from in life. We are all broken but by the blood of JESUS we are accepted in HIS church and called to salvation by grace through faith!
9:15 AM Adult Sunday Bible Study in Fellowship Hall
10:30 AM Sunday Worship Service
in Sanctuary
10:30 AM Children's Church available for grades K-4
***Nursery space available for children with parent/guardian***
6:00 PM grades 5-12 Youth Group in Fellowship Hall
Personal responsibility - If you feel ill please stay home to protect others
Did you miss the Sunday Message?
Check it out on YouTube!

The ministry never stops. Offerings can be mailed to:
Calvary Baptist Church
120 Anborn Drive
West Mifflin, PA 15122
Attn: Ron S.
Or give by clicking on the image below or using the CR code:
Read your Bible daily...ask, seek and knock.
J O I N U S !
9:15 AM Sunday school
10:30 AM Worship service
W A T C H & L I S T E N !
Click here for Sunday Worship Servic​e
Bible Messages
Scroll the HOME page to see what's going on!
Calvary Prescho​ol 2024-2025!
Ages 3-6, Explorers and Pre-K.
Contact the School Office at (412) 461-6211 or email preschool@calvarybaptistwestmifflin.com

PRAISE GOD and please keep the Preschool in your prayers.

Jesus resurrected!
The way and the
truth and the life.